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Background: Older people have multiple foot health problems; therefore, nursing staff need to pay attention to the foot care of older people, especially in long-term care and nursing homes. The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge of nursing staff (n = 16) regarding foot care, their foot-care activities, and the health of residents’ (n = 43) feet in a nursing home before and after an intervention (educational program).
Methods: Nursing staff in a nursing home received a foot-care educational program that consisted of lectures and demonstrations.
Results: After the intervention, nursing staff knowledge of foot care and foot-care activities had partially improved, which was mainly seen in residents’ skin health.
Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that an educational program can change nursing staff knowledge of foot care and their foot-care activities. However, the educational program tested in this study needs further development. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 101(2): 159–166, 2011)