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The Medial Oblique Shell Inclination Technique

A Method to Increase Subtalar Supination Moments in Foot Orthoses

Paul Harradine The Podiatry and Chiropody Centre, Cosham, Ports-mouth, England

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Simon Collins The Podiatry and Chiropody Centre, Cosham, Ports-mouth, England

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Chris Webb The Podiatry and Chiropody Centre, Cosham, Ports-mouth, England

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Lawrence Bevan Gloucestershire Podiatry Department, St. Pauls Medical Centre, Cheltenham, England

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A medially deviated axis has been cited as an etiologic factor in increasing pronatory moments across the subtalar joint axis. Orthoses are often used to reduce these pronatory moments, aiming to off-load related injured structures. By aligning the posting or incline of an orthosis shell medial to the axis and parallel to it, the amount of moments applied will be theoretically greater than if prescribed at a less-than-optimal angle. We first published the medial oblique shell inclination as a method to increase supinatory moments to a medially deviated subtalar joint axis in 2008. This paper summarizes the theoretical reasons for use and introduces original methods of construction. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 101(6): 523–530, 2011)

Corresponding author: Paul Harradine, MSc, The Podiatry and Chiropody Centre, 77 Chatsworth Ave, Cosham, Ports-mouth, Hants PO6 2UH, England. (E-mail: podiathing@yahoo.co.uk)