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A Historical and Current Analysis for the DPM Acquiring an MD or DO Degree and an Unrestricted Medical License

Leonard A. Levy Office of Education, Planning, and Research, Family Medicine/Public Health/Biomedical Informatics, Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine, 3200 S University, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33328. (E-mail: levyleon@nsu.nova.edu)

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The podiatric medical profession has evolved substantially in the past 80 years. This evolution includes major changes in scope, in the requirements necessary to enter a podiatric medical school, and in the curriculum that must be completed to earn the degree of Doctor of Podiatric Medicine. Entrance requirements to the schools are now identical to the prerequisites for admission to MD and DO institutions, and licensure requires the completion of graduate medical education. Much of the curriculum also is the same as it is in MD and DO schools. In the past decade, discussion focusing on the ability of the DPM to acquire the MD or DO degree has intensified. An analysis is provided using a historical context regarding this potential initiative. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 102(2): 172–176, 2012)
