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Double Crush Syndrome in the Lower Extremity

A Case Report

Anthony V. Borgia Department of Surgery, University Medical Center, Las Vegas, Nevada.

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Jerome K. Hruska Graduate Medical Education, Valley Hospital Medical Center, Las Vegas, Nevada.

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Karina Braun Private Practice, Henderson, Nevada.

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Upton and McComas first described double crush syndrome in 1973. The theory behind double crush syndrome postulated that a proximal lesion in a nerve would make that same nerve more vulnerable to additional distal lesions. Many of the studies investigating the possibility of the double crush syndrome involve lesions in the upper extremity with very few articles written specifically about double crush syndrome in the lower extremity. We present the case of a 33-year-old massage therapist who uses her feet to provide therapy to clients who presented to our clinic with symptoms consistent with tarsal tunnel syndrome. Her failure to progress in a satisfactory manner after a variety of therapies made us search for additional etiologies for her foot pain. In cases where tarsal tunnel persists after surgical therapy, the treating physician should search for more proximal lesions along the course of the nerve. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 102(4): 330–333, 2012)

Corresponding author: Anthony V. Borgia, DPM, Southern Nevada Foot and Ankle Center, 3017 W. Charleston Blvd, #90, Las Vegas, Nevada 89012. (E-mail: dranthonyborgia@gmail.com)