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Can We Predict 4-year Graduation in Podiatric Medical School Using Admission Data?

Sanjay Sesodia Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine, Miami Shores, FL.

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David Molnar Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine, Miami Shores, FL.

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Graham P. Shaw Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine, Miami Shores, FL.

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This study examined the predictive ability of educational background and demographic variables, available at the admission stage, to identify applicants who will graduate in 4 years from podiatric medical school.


A logistic regression model was used to identify two predictors of 4-year graduation: age at matriculation and total Medical College Admission Test score. The model was cross-validated using a second independent sample from the same population. Cross-validation gives greater confidence that the results could be more generally applied.


Total Medical College Admission Test score was the strongest predictor of 4-year graduation, with age at matriculation being a statistically significant but weaker predictor.


Despite the model’s capacity to predict 4-year graduation better than random assignment, a sufficient amount of error in prediction remained, suggesting that important predictors are missing from the model. Furthermore, the high rate of false-positives makes it inappropriate to use age and Medical College Admission Test score as admission screens in an attempt to eliminate attrition by not accepting at-risk students. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 102(6): 463–470, 2012)

Corresponding author: Sanjay Sesodia, PhD, Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine, 11300 NE 2nd Ave, Miami Shores, FL 33161. (E-mail: ssesodia@mail.barry.edu)