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Among other adverse consequences, childhood obesity is known to influence foot structure and functionality. Yet little information is available regarding how the physiologic foot-ground interaction is altered when a localized load is carried, as occurs in the case of schoolbags. We investigated plantar contact area and pressure modifications induced by backpack carriage under actual conditions. We hypothesized that a localized load acting on the body would further increase the already excessive plantar pressure that exists with overweight and obese status.
Seventy overweight and obese schoolchildren aged 6 to 11 years underwent two 30-sec trials on a pressure platform during a regular school day, with and without a backpack. Total and subregion contact areas along with peak plantar pressures were obtained, and results were compared with those of an equal-numbered group of normal-weight schoolchildren.
Overweight and obese children generally had larger contact areas and higher peak plantar pressures compared with their normal-weight peers. In overweight and normal-weight participants, the backpack induced a similar generalized increase in contact area and pressures. However, the largest changes were observed in the forefoot, suggesting that load action tends to modify the physiologic pressure patterns.
Backpack carriage raises the already elevated peak plantar pressures in overweight children during upright stance and modifies the physiologic pressure patterns. Further investigations are needed to clarify the features of such phenomenon when dynamic activities are performed and to verify the existence of fatigue and overexertion on the foot as well as other possible negative long-term effects. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 103(4): 306–313, 2013)