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Malignant Melanoma Presenting as a Nonhealing Heel Ulceration

Jacqueline Nicole Fussell Department of Dermatology, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA.

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David Lee Troutman Department of Podiatry, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA.

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Eric Hossler Departments of Dermatology and Dermatopathology, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA.

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Shilpa Agarwal George Washington University School of Medicine, Danville, PA.

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Malignant melanoma is responsible for more than three-fourths of skin cancer deaths in the United States. Melanomas presenting on acral surfaces are frequently misdiagnosed initially, leading to progression of disease and worse prognosis. This case is presented to reinforce the significance of careful physical examination and early biopsy of atypical ulcerations of the foot.

Corresponding author: Jacqueline Nicole Fussell, MD, Department of Dermatology, Geisinger Medical Center, 115 Woodbine Lane, Danville, PA 17822-5206. (E-mail: jnfussell@geisinger.edu)