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Morton's neuroma is a frequently painful condition of the forefoot, causing patients to seek medical care to alleviate symptoms. A plethora of therapeutic options is available, some of which include injection therapies. Researchers have investigated injection therapy for Morton's neuroma, and latterly the evidence base has been augmented with methods that use diagnostic ultrasound as a vehicle to deliver the injectate under image guidance for additional accuracy. To date, there seems to be no consensus that ultrasound-guided injections provide better therapeutic outcomes than nonguided injections for the treatment of Morton's neuroma.
A systematic review was chosen because this method can undertake such a process. The review process identified 13 key papers using predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria, which then underwent methodological quality assessment using a pretested Quality Index. A narrative synthesis of the review findings is presented in light of the heterogeneity of the data from the extraction process.
This systematic review provides an argument that ultrasound guidance can produce better short- and long-term pain relief for corticosteroid injections, can reduce the need for additional procedures in a series of sclerosing alcohol injections, can reduce the surgical referral rate, and can add efficacy to a single injection.
Ultrasound guidance should be considered for injection therapy in the management of Morton's neuroma.