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Closely related pathologic disorders sometimes manifest with the same symptoms, making for a complex differential diagnosis. This is the situation in plantar fasciitis (PF) and myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) with myofascial trigger points (MTPs) in the sole of the foot. This research assessed the analgesic effect on plantar pain of combination therapy with interferential current stimulation therapy (ICST), treating MTPs in the great toe adductor muscle and the short flexor muscles of the toes in patients whose diagnosis was compatible with PF or MPS.
This study included 22 feet of 17 patients with a diagnosis compatible with PF or MPS with MTP. Participants received combination therapy with ICST for 15 sessions, and the decrease in pain was measured with an algometer and the visual analog scale. Both measurements were taken before and after every fifth session. The pressure pain threshold (PPT) results obtained with the Student t test and the pain intensity perception (PIP) results obtained with the Wilcoxon signed rank test were analyzed by comparing the measurements taken before the treatment and after the fifth, tenth, and 15th sessions.
The decrease in PIP was significant after the fifth, tenth, and 15th sessions (P < .001). The increase in PPT was also significant after the fifth (P = .010), tenth (P = .023), and 15th (P = .001) sessions (P < .05).
The suggested combination therapy of ultrasound with ICST is clinically significant for reducing plantar pain after 15 treatment sessions, with a 6.5-point reduction in mean PIP and a 4.6-point increase in PPT.