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Soft-tissue chondroma is a rare, benign tumor. It is predominantly found in the hands and feet, but rarely in the toes. In this article, we report a digital soft-tissue chondroma that presented as a painful nodule of 5 years' duration in a 67-year-old man. Physical examination revealed a round, solid, movable nodule measuring 7 mm in diameter. Radiographs showed faint linear calcifications in the nodule under the right hallux proximal phalanx neck. The mass was completely excised, and pathologic observation revealed a mass composed of mature chondrocytes in a cartilaginous matrix, consistent with a chondroma. Even though this is a benign tumor, it needs to be differentiated from other tumors, including schwannoma, leiomyoma, chondrosarcoma, and others. Surgical excision is the preferred treatment.