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Evaluation of Prosthesis Satisfaction, Psychological Status, and Quality of Life in Lower-Extremity Amputee Patients: A Pilot Study

Zeynep Kirac Unal Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Health Sciences University Diskapi Yildirim Beyazit Education and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey.

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Damla Cankurtaran Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Health Sciences University Diskapi Yildirim Beyazit Education and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey.

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, and
Ece Unlu Akyuz Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Health Sciences University Diskapi Yildirim Beyazit Education and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey.

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Background: There are various factors affecting the use of prostheses. This study was aimed to examine satisfaction, psychological state, quality of life, and the factors affecting these in individuals who use prostheses because of lower-extremity amputation.

Methods: Sixty-three patients were included in this study. Demographic data and features related amputation and prosthesis were recorded. Quality of life was evaluated with the Nottingham Health Profile (NHP), anxiety and depression levels were evaluated with the Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS), body image was evaluated by the Amputee Body Image Scale (ABIS), prosthesis satisfaction was evaluated with the Prosthesis Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ), and the relationship between them was examined.

Results: There was a positive correlation between all HADS scores, NHP-emotional reactions, NHP-sleep, NHP-social isolation, NHP-total, and ABIS (P < .05). A negative correlation was found between HADS-anxiety and PSQ results (r = –0.394, P = .003). A positive correlation was found between HADS-depression scores and NHP-pain, NHP-emotional reactions, NHP-social isolation, NHP-total, and ABIS (P < .05); and a negative correlation was found with PSQ questionnaire scores (r = –0.427, P = .001). There was a positive correlation between HADS-total scores and all parameters except NHP-energy level and ABIS (P < .05). A positive correlation was found between ABIS and all parameters except NHP-energy level (P < .05). A negative correlation was found between PSQ and NHP-social isolation, NHP-physical activity, and NHP-total scores (r = –0.312, P = 0.019; r = –0.312, P = .019; and r = –0.277, P = .039, respectively). The presence of residual extremity pain was found to be an effective factor on the psychological state (β = 0.429, P = .001). The presence of residual limb pain and phantom pain were found to be effective factors on the prosthesis satisfaction (β = –0.41, P = .001; and β = –0.406, P = .001, respectively). The presence of residual extremity pain and anxiety level were found independent risk factors on the NHP (β = –0.401, P = .006; and β = –0.445, P = .006, respectively).

Conclusions: Individuals using prostheses because of lower-extremity amputation should be examined in detail from various perspectives.

Corresonding author: Zeynep Kirac Unal, MD, Health Scences University Diskapi Yildirim Beyazit Education and Research Hospital, Sehit Omer Halis Demir St, Ankara 06110, Turkey. (E-mail: zeynep_kirac88@hotmail.com)