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Background: To investigate the relationships among nail disorders, various clinical factors, and commonly used quality of life scales.
Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study was conducted on 188 patients older than 18 years who applied to the Dermatology and Venereology Department of Ufuk University Hospital (Ankara, Turkey). The Turkish Quality of Life instrument, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and the 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey were used for the analyses. Eight groups were formed based on 1) sex, 2) age (18–45 years, >45 years), 3) duration of nail disease (≤1 year, >1 year), 4) number of affected nails (1, 2, ≥3), 5) type of nail disease (nail thickening, ingrown toenail, pincer nail, and other nail diseases), 6) presence of onychomycosis, 7) fingernail involvement, and 8) pain score (0–5, 6–10), and the quality of life scales were compared between these groups. In addition, correlation analyses were performed between age, number of affected nails, duration of disease, presence of onychomycosis, chronic diseases and medications, and body mass index and the quality of life scale scores.
Results: Nail disorders were associated with decreased quality of life in affected individuals. Moreover, age, duration of disease, type of nail disorder, body mass index, comorbid conditions, and pain scores had significant effects on quality of life scale scores.
Conclusions: Management of nail disorders is challenging, and generally, a long period is necessary to achieve favorable outcomes. Both physcians and patients should be persistent during the treatment process. In addition, emotional and social support should be provided to patients.