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The number of partial-foot amputations performed is increasing, and many recommendations have been made regarding the use of prostheses and footwear designed to prevent higher-level amputations in this population. The present study investigated the use of prostheses and shoe inserts and the types of footwear worn by partial-foot amputees in the inner city to determine whether previous recommendations are being followed as well as whether new prosthetic styles are being used. The study surveyed 110 patients (73 men and 37 women) with a mean age of 58.6 years (range, 21 to 86 years) with partial-foot amputations of all levels. The results showed that about one-half of all patients wore a shoe-insert orthosis. Although 54% wore some form of special footwear to accommodate and protect the residual foot, no patient in this study wore a shoe with a rocker-bottom sole. Only one patient with a transmetatarsal amputation used a brace and only one patient in the entire study wore a modern cosmetic foot prosthesis. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 91(1): 34-49, 2001)