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The rate of aerobic dance injuries has been high for two decades. To determine the types of lower-extremity injuries to aerobic instructors, a questionnaire was sent to 18 fitness centers in the Sydney, Australia, metropolitan area requesting information on the number and types of injuries, frequency of activity levels, footwear worn, and treatments sought. The reported rate of injury was 77%. The leg was the most common site of injury, reported by 52.9% of respondents, followed by the foot and ankle (32.8%), and the knee (20%). These figures are comparable to previous studies. Further investigation is warranted into causes and preventive measures, and information on the kinetics and kinematics of the lower extremity may increase understanding of the incidence of lower-extremity injuries to aerobic instructors and participants. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 91(10): 528-532, 2001)