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Podiatric Medical Applications of Posterior Night Stretch Splinting

Angela Evans Fellow, Australasian Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine; Lecturer, Podiatry School, University of South Australia, City East Campus, North Terrace, Adelaide 5000, South Australia, Australia.

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 DipAppSc(Pod), GradDipSocSc(Child Dev)

Podiatric physicians encounter many conditions, especially in sports medicine, that involve pain in the vicinity of the rearfoot or lower leg. These conditions are often associated with ankle equinus and may affect either child or adult sports participants. A review of the literature and clinical experience identify posterior night stretch splinting as an effective adjunct in the treatment of persistent symptomatic plantar fasciitis, negating the need for corticosteroid injections, further protracted pain, or surgery. This article reviews clinical cases in which night stretch splinting was used for a variety of diagnoses. Further research is needed into its efficacy for conditions other than plantar fasciitis. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 91(7): 356-360, 2001)
