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The surgical records of three podiatric physicians were reviewed to identify all chevron-type osteotomies performed during 2000–2001 for the correction of bunion deformity, and complications were reviewed for each. In the 95 cases identified, 15 complications occurred in 12 patients. Of these 15 complications, 4 were soft-tissue infections (4 patients), 4 were cases of painful hardware (3 patients), 4 were cases of second metatarsal head pain (2 patients), 2 were cases of cystic changes initially interpreted as osteomyelitis but later determined to be degenerative changes (2 patients), and 1 was a case of stiff toe (1 patient). There were no cases of avascular necrosis, hallux varus, or recurrence. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 93(6): 499-502, 2003)