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Treatment of Freiberg’s Infraction with the Titanium Hemi-implant

Alan T. Shih Department of Surgery, Podiatry Section, Southern Arizona Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Tucson. Dr. Shih is now at the Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago.

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Richard E. Quint Division of Podiatry, Department of Surgery, St Mary Hospital, Tucson, AZ.

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David G. Armstrong Department of Surgery, Podiatry Section, Southern Arizona Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Tucson. Dr. Shih is now at the Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago.
Department of Surgery, Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, North Chicago, IL.
Department of Medicine, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester, England.

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Brent P. Nixon Department of Surgery, Podiatry Section, Southern Arizona Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Tucson. Dr. Shih is now at the Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago.

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Freiberg’s infraction is a relatively rare disease for which there is currently no consensus regarding surgical management. We present a case study describing a surgical procedure that uses a novel metatarsophalangeal hemi-implant. This procedure does not alter the metatarsal parabola, and it allows for other surgical procedures to be performed in the future. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 94(6): 590–593, 2004)

Corresponding author: Alan T. Shih, DPM, Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Podiatric Surgical Residency Program, 836 W Wellington Ave, Chicago, IL 60657.