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Quantifying the Quasi-static Angle and Base of Gait

A Preliminary Investigation Comparing Footprints and a Clinical Method

Sarah A. Curran Wales Centre for Podiatric Studies, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, Cardiff, Wales.

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Dominic Upton Department of Psychology, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, Cardiff, Wales.

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, and
Ian D. Learmonth Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Bristol, Level 5 Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol, England.

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Although the angle and base of gait are useful parameters commonly measured in podiatric medical practice, a standardized procedure has yet to be defined. Static footprints and clinical tracings of the perimeters of both feet were investigated in 25 asymptomatic subjects (17 women and 8 men). The intrarater reliability of each measurement condition was assessed using intraclass correlation coefficients and ranged from 0.965 to 0.981 for the angle of gait and from 0.979 to 0.986 for the base of gait. Both sets of data were compared using paired t-tests and demonstrated no significant differences (P > .001) for the angle and base of gait. The results suggest that footprint data and a simple clinical tracing of the foot are similar, providing a useful clinical tool for static assessment of the angle and base of gait. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 96(2): 125–131, 2006)

Corresponding author: Sarah A. Curran, BSc (Hons), Wales Centre for Podiatric Studies, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, Western Ave, Cardiff, CF5 2YB, Wales.