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Plantar Fasciitis A Degenerative Process (Fasciosis) Without Inflammation
Harvey Lemont
Krista M. Ammirati
, and
Nsima Usen
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Foot Problems in Older Adults Associations with Incident Falls, Frailty Syndrome, and Sensor-Derived Gait, Balance, and Physical Activity Measures
Amy Muchna
Bijan Najafi
Christopher S. Wendel
Michael Schwenk
David G. Armstrong
, and
Jane Mohler
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Limb length discrepancies
RL Blake
H Ferguson
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Plantar Fasciitis—A Comparison of Treatment with Intralesional Steroids versus Platelet-Rich Plasma A Randomized, Blinded Study
Carlos Acosta-Olivo
Jorge Elizondo-Rodriguez
Ricardo Lopez-Cavazos
Felix Vilchez-Cavazos
Mario Simental-Mendia
, and
Oscar Mendoza-Lemus
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Impact of Chronic Plantar Heel Pain on Health-Related Quality of Life
Damien B. Irving
Jill L. Cook
Mark A. Young
, and
Hylton B. Menz
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Mortality Rates and Diabetic Foot Ulcers Is it Time to Communicate Mortality Risk to Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulceration?
Jeffrey M. Robbins
Gerald Strauss
David Aron
Jodi Long
Jennifer Kuba
, and
Yelena Kaplan
Full access
Editorial: Suicide Prevention in Podiatry
Rachel H Albright
Dyane E Tower
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Complete Reduction for Pilon Fracture Can Make Complete Failure
Kwang-Bok Lee
Seong-Yup Jeong
Seung-Ho Kim
, and
Dong-Gun Shim
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Perceived Stress of Podiatric Medical Students
Courtney M. Foote
Shelby J. Hatzinger
Laura E. Sansosti
, and
Andrew J. Meyr
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Rehabilitation After Amputation
Alberto Esquenazi
Robert DiGiacomo
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Plantar Fasciitis A Degenerative Process (Fasciosis) Without Inflammation
Harvey Lemont
Krista M. Ammirati
, and
Nsima Usen

Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association

The Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, the official journal of the Association, is the oldest and most frequently cited peer-reviewed journal in the profession of foot and ankle medicine. Founded in 1907 and appearing 6 times per year, it publishes research studies, case reports, literature reviews, special communications, clinical correspondence, letters to the editor, book reviews, and various other types of submissions. The Journal is included in major indexing and abstracting services for biomedical literature.

Open access
Intra-Foot Coordination and Its Variability During Walking in Males With and Without Chronic Ankle Instability
Takahiro Watanabe
Tomoya Takabayashi
Takanori Kikumoto
Yudai Kikuchi
, and
Masayoshi Kubo
Open access
Open access
Comparing Self-Perceived Awareness to Actual Awareness of the Podiatric Profession Among High School and College Students
Ashlee Starr
Tiffany Duong
David W. Jenkins
Charlotte Bolch
, and
Jeffrey L. Jensen
Open access
Results of Bioabsorbable Screws for the Fixation of Chevron Osteotomy in the Treatment of Hallux Valgus Deformities
Hanyang Zhang
Zhaoyan Li
Zhuan Zhong
Bingzhe Huang
Zhende Jiang
, and
Fei Chang
Open access
Correlation Between Plantar Fascia Thickness and Other Variables in Women Diagnosed with Plantar Fasciopathy
Ruben Montes-Salas
Ramon Mahillo-Durán
Alvaro Gomez-Carrion
Estela Gomez-Aguilar
Gabriel Camunas-Nieves
, and
Jose Manuel Castillo-Lopez
Open access
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Comparison of Bicortical versus Unicortical Medial Malleolus Fixation
Ryan Lerch
Jeffrey Manway
, and
Gele Moloney
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Incidence of Wounds Associated with Posterior Midline Incision for Achilles Tendon Pathology in a Large Cohort at a Tertiary Care Center
Michael J. Hurst
Hannah J. Hughes
Cody Blazek
Ryan J. Lerch
Patrick R. Burns
, and
Jeffrey Manway
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Enthesitis of Plantar Fascia Affects Gait in Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis
Songul Baglan Yentur
Furkan Bilek
Gulnihal Deniz
Gürkan Akgöl
, and
Süleyman Serdar Koca
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Prophylactic Irradiation for the Prevention of Heterotopic Ossification After Foot Amputation: A Case Series
Amber M. Kavanagh
John D. Miller
Kelly McKeon
Jayson N. Atves
John S. Steinberg
, and
Christopher Attinger
Open access
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Prophylactic Irradiation for the Prevention of Heterotopic Ossification After Foot Amputation: A Case Series
Amber M. Kavanagh
John D. Miller
Kelly McKeon
Jayson N. Atves
John S. Steinberg
, and
Christopher Attinger
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Comparison of Bicortical versus Unicortical Medial Malleolus Fixation
Ryan Lerch
Jeffrey Manway
, and
Gele Moloney
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A Novel Plate for Vertical Shear Fractures of the Medial Malleolus: A Biomechanical Study
Yunus Emre Bektas
Ramadan Özmanevra
Hakan Cici
Samet Ciklacandir
Nihat Demirhan Demirkiran
Yalcin Isler
Onur Basci
, and
Mehmet Erduran
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Incidence of Wounds Associated with Posterior Midline Incision for Achilles Tendon Pathology in a Large Cohort at a Tertiary Care Center
Michael J. Hurst
Hannah J. Hughes
Cody Blazek
Ryan J. Lerch
Patrick R. Burns
, and
Jeffrey Manway
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Electrophysiologic Evidence of Concomitant Focal Nerve Entrapments in Persons With Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Cross-Sectional Study
Michael S. Nirenberg
Roberto P. Segura
Alex M. Segura
Lauren L. Schnack
Craig W. Forsthoefel
, and
Carey Dachman
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Enthesitis of Plantar Fascia Affects Gait in Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis
Songul Baglan Yentur
Furkan Bilek
Gulnihal Deniz
Gürkan Akgöl
, and
Süleyman Serdar Koca
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Comparison of Bicortical Headless Cannulated Screw Fixations, Tension Band Fixations, and Kirschner Wire Fixations of a Jones Fracture: A Biomechanical Study
Onur Yilmaz
Ä°brahim Mutlu
Tolgahan Kuru
Ali Bilge
Berna Güngör
Hasan Kizilay
Hacı Olcar
Recai Özkılıç
, and
H. Yener Erken
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The Role of Serum HMGB-1 Level in Differentiating the Soft-Tissue Infection From Diabetic Foot Osteomyelitis
Ibrahim Halil Rizvanoglu
Ãœmit Cinkir
Vuslat Bosnak
Nuri Orhan
Necla Benlier
, and
Füsun Kokcu
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Arthroscopically Assisted Reduction and Fixation of Acute Tillaux, Pilon, Bosworth, Talar, and Calcaneal Fractures: A Systematic Review
Konstantinos Giatroudakis
Efthymios Iliopoulos
Georgios Drosos
Konstantinos Tilkeridis
, and
Athanasios Ververidis
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Supernumerary Muscles in the Leg and Foot: A Review of Their Types, Frequency, and Clinical Implications
Anushka S. Ramnani
Jessica T. Landeros
Mathew Wedel
Rebecca Moellmer
Stephen Wan
, and
David W. Shofler
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Shooter’s Abscess: Foot Infections in People Who Inject Drugs
Amanda L. Killeen
Randi Heming
Peter A. Crisologo
Michael C. Siah
, and
Lawrence A. Lavery
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