Frequently Asked Questions


Individual Subscribers

How do I subscribe?

If you’re a current member, you’re subscribed! If not, we invite you to join APMA or purchase an individual subscription.

How do I access JAPMA?

Visit and login using your credentials. Email for assistance with logging in.


Institutional Subscribers

How can I tell if my institution has subscribed?

You'll also see a button at the top of the page confirming you're signed in as part of an institution. Your librarian can confirm whether the subscription has been activated. Accessing JAPMA via an institutional subscription provides you with access to tables of contents, abstracts, full-text searching, full-text display, PDFs, and links to MEDLINE.

How do I get my institution to subscribe?

Contact the librarian at your location to request an Institutional Subscription to JAPMA. Feel free to email them the link to this page.


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  • Title American Podiatric Medical Association (updated 20211216)
  • HTTP Header -request -process X-Requested-With
  • URL
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Download the KBART file for JAPMA HERE


Still have questions?

For further information, please contact the American Podiatric Medical Association.

Office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET.

American Podiatric Medical Association

11400 Rockville Pike, Ste 220

Rockville, MD 20852

Tel. 1-800-ASK-APMA (275-2762)

Fax (301) 530-2752
