Search Results
Diabetic foot complications are costly and often recurrent. The use of diabetic footwear has been shown to be effective in reducing the incidence of diabetic foot ulcerations. For diabetic footwear to be most effective, it must be worn at least 60% of the time. All reported rates of compliance fall well short of this level. The style and appearance of the shoe have been commonly blamed for this poor compliance. This study evaluates patients’ motivations and perceptions regarding diabetic footwear. A patient’s decision to use diabetic footwear is based on the perceived value of the shoe and not on the patient’s previous history of foot complications or the aesthetics of diabetic footwear. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 93(6): 485-491, 2003)
Previous study indicates that pharmacologic antithrombotic therapy may be an inhibitory factor for wound healing and should merit consideration among the other core factors in wound healing optimization.
This study provides a retrospective analysis of the effect of antithrombotic therapy on wound healing rates of uncomplicated diabetic foot ulcerations. Wounds treated with standard of care in the presence of clinical anticoagulation were compared to control wounds.
The results indicate a statistically significant negative correlation between antithrombotic therapy and diabetic foot wound healing rate. This represents the first study focusing on this correlation in the uncomplicated diabetic foot wound.
This retrospective study demonstrates that antithrombotic therapy has a statistically significant negative effect on healing rates of uncomplicated diabetic foot ulcerations. Both wound area and depth improvement over 4 weeks was significantly better in treated patients who were not on antithrombotic therapy for comorbidity not associated with peripheral arterial disease.
Diabetic Limb Salvage
A Team Approach at a Teaching Institution
In this retrospective review, 19 diabetic patients with significant lower-extremity pathology were assessed to determine the success of limb salvage in cases of varying complexity. The patients were either scheduled or at risk for below-the-knee amputation before intervention. After the limb-salvage procedure, patients were followed for 4 months to 9 years. Eighteen patients went on to have successful procedures, avoiding below-the-knee amputation; one patient had an above-the-knee amputation. The results demonstrate the benefits of an aggressive team approach with limb salvage as a goal. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 92(8): 457-462, 2002)
Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy and Diabetic Foot Amputations
A Retrospective Study of Payer Claims Data
Background: This study was undertaken to assess the benefits of negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT) versus traditional wound therapies in reducing the incidence of lower-extremity amputations in patients with diabetic foot ulcers.
Methods: Administrative claims data for patients with diabetic foot ulcers from commercial payers (n = 3,524) and Medicare (n = 12,795) were retrospectively analyzed. Patients were divided into NPWT and control/traditional therapy groups on the basis of administrative codes. Risk-adjustment procedures were then performed to match patient risk categories (through total treatment costs) and wound severities (through debridement depth).
Results: The incidence of amputations in the NPWT groups was lower than that in the control groups. For the cost-based risk-adjustment analysis, amputation incidences with NPWT versus traditional therapy were 35% lower in the Medicare sample (10.8% versus 16.6%; P = .0077) and 34% lower in the commercial payer sample (14.1% versus 21.4%; P = .0951). Whereas overall amputation rates increased progressively with increasing wound debridement depth in both control groups, the same increasing trend did not occur in the NPWT groups.
Conclusions: Patients with diabetic foot ulcers in the Medicare sample treated with NPWT had a lower incidence of amputations than those undergoing traditional wound therapy; this finding was evident in wounds of varying depth in both populations studied. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 97(5): 351–359, 2007)
Background: Diabetic neuropathy can be disabling owing to pain and loss of sensibility. Theoretically, surgical restoration of sensation and relief of pain may prevent these complications and improve quality of life. A study was conducted to perform outcome analysis of patients after these surgical procedures using the 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey.
Methods: The 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey was used to evaluate patients with diabetic neuropathy after nerve decompression surgery. These results were compared with those reported in the literature related to diabetic patients without neuropathy, patients with low-back pain, and an age-matched normative population. The pilot study group included six patients with diabetic neuropathy, three of whom underwent multiple nerve decompression surgery bilaterally. Mean follow-up was 6 months.
Results: Single-tailed t tests demonstrated that postoperative patients were not statistically significantly different from the other groups in the domains of Physical Functioning, Bodily Pain, General Health, Vitality, Social Functioning, and Mental Health; in the domains of Role-Physical and Role-Emotional, a statistically significant difference was found, with the postoperative patients scoring lower.
Conclusions: Although this study is limited by the lack of preoperative administration of the 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey and by its small sample size, we conclude that the survey can evaluate the results of surgical decompression of lower-extremity peripheral nerves and should be added to the traditional assessments of recovery of sensibility and the visual analog scale for pain. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 97(2): 121–125, 2007)
Background: Because value-based care is critical to the Affordable Care Act success, we forecasted inpatient costs and the potential impact of podiatric medical care on savings in the diabetic population through improved care quality and decreased resource use during implementation of the health reform initiatives in California.
Methods: We forecasted enrollment of diabetic adults into Medicaid and subsidized health benefit exchange programs using the California Simulation of Insurance Markets (CalSIM) base model. Amputations and admissions per 1,000 diabetic patients and inpatient costs were based on the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development 2009-2011 inpatient discharge files. We evaluated cost in three categories: uncomplicated admissions, amputations during admissions, and discharges to a skilled nursing facility. Total costs and projected savings were calculated by applying the metrics and cost to the projected enrollment.
Results: Diabetic patients accounted for 6.6% of those newly eligible for Medicaid or health benefit exchange subsidies, with a 60.8% take-up rate. We project costs to be $24.2 million in the diabetic take-up population from 2014 to 2019. Inpatient costs were 94.3% higher when amputations occurred during the admission and 46.7% higher when discharged to a skilled nursing facility. Meanwhile, 61.0% of costs were attributed to uncomplicated admissions. Podiatric medical services saved 4.1% with a 10% reduction in admissions and amputations and an additional 1% for every 10% improvement in access to podiatric medical care.
Conclusions: When implementing the Affordable Care Act, inclusion of podiatric medical services on multidisciplinary teams and in chronic-care models featuring prevention helps shift care to ambulatory settings to realize the greatest cost savings.
Background: Exercise has not been studied extensively in persons with active neuropathic diabetic foot wounds, primarily because a device does not exist that allows patients to exercise while sufficiently off-loading pressure at the ulcer site. The purpose of this project was to demonstrate a device that reduces cycling plantar forefoot pressure.
Methods: Ten healthy participants rode a recumbent bicycle under three cycling conditions. While the left foot interaction remained constant with a standard gym shoe and pedal, the right foot was exposed to a control condition with standard gym shoe and pedal, gym shoe and specialized cleat, and gym shoe with an off-loading insole and specialized cleat. Pressure and contact area of the plantar aspect of the feet were recorded for a 10-sec interval once during each minute of each condition’s 7-min trial.
Results: The off-loading insole and specialized cleat condition yielded significantly lower (P < .01) peak pressure, contact area, and pressure–time integral values in the forefoot than the specialized cleat condition with gym shoe, which yielded significantly lower values (P < .01) than the standard gym shoe and pedal.
Conclusion: Modifications to footwear may alter plantar forefoot pressures, contact area, and pressure–time integrals while cycling. The CLEAR Cleat could play a significant role in the facilitation of fitness in patients with (or at high risk for) neuropathic wounds. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 98(4): 261–267, 2008)
We aimed to evaluate surrogate markers commonly used in the literature for diabetic foot osteomyelitis remission after initial treatment for diabetic foot infections (DFIs).
Thirty-five patients with DFIs were prospectively enrolled and followed for 12 months. Osteomyelitis was determined from bone culture and histologic analysis initially and for recurrence. Fisher exact and χ2 tests were used for dichotomous variables and Student t and Mann-Whitney U tests for continuous variables (α = .05).
Twenty-four patients were diagnosed as having osteomyelitis and 11 as having soft-tissue infections. Four patients (16.7%) with osteomyelitis had reinfection based on bone biopsy. The success of osteomyelitis treatment varied based on the surrogate marker used to define remission: osteomyelitis infection (16.7%), failed wound healing (8.3%), reulceration (20.8%), readmission (16.7%), amputation (12.5%). There was no difference in outcomes among patients who were initially diagnosed as having osteomyelitis versus soft-tissue infections. There were no differences in osteomyelitis reinfection (16.7% versus 45.5%; P = .07), wounds that failed to heal (8.3% versus 9.1%; P = .94), reulceration (20.8% versus 27.3%; P = .67), readmission for DFIs at the same site (16.7% versus 36.4%; P = .20), amputation at the same site after discharge (12.5% versus 36.4%; P = .10). Osteomyelitis at the index site based on bone biopsy indicated that failed therapy was 16.7%. Indirect markers demonstrated a failure rate of 8.3% to 20.8%.
Most osteomyelitis markers were similar to markers in soft-tissue infection. Commonly reported surrogate markers were not shown to be specific to identify patients who failed osteomyelitis treatment compared with patients with soft-tissue infections. Given this, these surrogate markers are not reliable for use in practice to identify osteomyelitis treatment failure.
Offloading devices for diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) generally restrict exercise. In addition to traditional health benefits, exercise could benefit DFU by increasing blood flow and acting as thermotherapy. This study functionally evaluated a cycling cleat designed for forefoot DFU.
Fifteen individuals at risk of developing a DFU used a recumbent stationary bicycle to complete one 5-minute cycling bout with the DFU cleat on their study foot and one 5-minute bout without it. Foot stress was evaluated by plantar pressure insoles during cycling. Laser Doppler perfusion monitored blood flow to the hallux. Infrared photographs measured foot temperature before and after each cycling bout.
The specialized cleat significantly reduced forefoot plantar pressure (9.9 kPa versus 62.6 kPa, P < .05) and pressure time integral (15.4 versus 76.4 kPa*sec, P < .05). Irrespective of footwear condition, perfusion to the hallux increased (3.97 ± 1.2 versus 6.9 ± 1.4 tissue perfusion units, P < .05) after exercise. Infrared images revealed no changes in foot temperature.
The specialized cleat allowed participants to exercise with minimal forefoot stress. The observed increase in perfusion suggests that healing might improve if patients with active DFU were to use the cleat. Potential thermotherapy for DFU was not supported by this study. Evaluation of the device among individuals with active DFU is now warranted.
Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is an essential precursor leading to diabetic limb loss. Neurologic screening tests, including the 128-Hz tuning fork (TF), have long been used to identify and track the progression of DPN, thereby guiding the implementation of preventive strategies. Although a sensitive indicator of neuropathy, shortcomings of TF testing include the lack of standardization and quantification of clinical findings. In an attempt to overcome these limitations, a novel 128-Hz electronic TF (ETF) prototype has been developed that is capable of performing accurate timed vibration tests (TVTs). This study was designed to assess the ability of the ETF to detect sensory impairment compared with three established neurologic screening methods: the Semmes-Weinstein monofilament test, the biothesiometer, and the sharp/dull discrimination test.
Fifty-five test patients were recruited from the primary author's practice and enrolled according to an approved protocol. The 10-g Semmes-Weinstein monofilament test and the sharp/dull discrimination test were administered in standard fashion to the plantar aspects of digits 1 and 5 bilaterally. The ETF and the biothesiometer (25-V setting) were applied to the dorsal aspects of the distal phalanx of the hallux and fifth metatarsal head bilaterally.
The sensitivity and specificity of neuropathy detection for the ETF were 0.953 and 0.761, respectively, using conventional tests as reference standards.
Performance of TVTs with the ETF detected sensory impairment compared with three conventional neurologic screening methods. Given these findings, the ETF could facilitate the use of standardized TVTs as an indicator of DPN progression.