Search Results
Podiatric Medical Resources on the Internet
A Fourth Update
A retrospective analysis of 878 articles published in JAPMA from 1991 to 2000 was conducted to investigate changing patterns of publication activity in podiatric medicine. Most of the articles published in JAPMA were case reports (37%), followed by literature reviews (33%) and original research (30%). The Journal has covered a wide range of topic areas, with the most common being foot surgery (14%). A breakdown of the proportion of original research versus review articles and case reports for each topic area revealed that while orthotic therapy and biomechanics attract considerable attention from researchers, other important specialty areas such as foot surgery, dermatology, pediatrics, and rheumatology continue to be represented primarily by literature reviews and case reports. Two significant trends were observed: a gradual increase in the proportion of original research articles and a steady increase in the number of articles by authors outside the United States. These findings provide valuable insight into patterns of publication in podiatric medicine and raise a number of issues regarding the ongoing development of the profession. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 92(5): 308-313, 2002)
Underlying bone metabolic disorders are often neglected when managing acute fractures. The term fracture liaison services (FLS) refers to models of care with the designated responsibility of comprehensive fracture management, including the diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis. Although there is evidence of the effectiveness of FLS in reducing health-care costs and improving patient outcomes, podiatric practitioners are notably absent from described FLS models. The integration of podiatric practitioners into FLS programs may lead to improved patient care and further reduce associated health-care costs.
Podiatric Medical Resources on the Internet
A Fifth Update
An updated selection of high-quality Internet resources of potential use to the podiatric medical practitioner, educator, resident, and student is presented. Internet search tools and general Internet reference sources are briefly covered, including methods of locating material residing on the “invisible” Web. General medical and podiatric medical resources are emphasized. These Web sites were judged on the basis of their potential to enhance the practice of podiatric medicine in addition to their contribution to education. Podiatric medical students, educators, residents, and practitioners who require a quick reference guide to the Internet may find this article useful. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 96(2): 162–166, 2006)
This article presents the development, implementation, and evaluation of a national evidence-based medicine faculty-development program for podiatric medical educators. Ten faculty members representing six accredited colleges of podiatric medicine, one podiatric medical residency program, and a Veterans Affairs podiatry service participated in a 2-day workshop, which included facilitated discussions, minilectures, hands-on exercises, implementation planning, and support after the workshop. Participants’ evidence-based medicine skills were measured by retrospective self-reported ratings before and after the workshop. Participants also reported their implementation of “commitments to change” on follow-up surveys at 3 and 12 months. Participants’ evidence-based medicine practice and teaching skills improved after the intervention. They listed a total of 84 commitments to change, most of which related to the program objectives. By 12 months after the workshop, participants as a group had fully implemented 24 commitments (32%), partially implemented 36 (48%), and failed to implement 15 (20%) of a total of 75 commitments with follow-up data. The most common barriers to change at 12 months were insufficient resources, systems problems, and short patient visit times. A train-the-trainer faculty-development program can improve self-reported evidence-based medicine skills and behaviors and affect curriculum reform at podiatric medical educational institutions. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 95(5): 497–504, 2005)
A 2004 survey of US adults found that 19% had experienced foot problems at work at some time. As a result, 38% reported lost productivity and 28% missed time at work. Younger, less educated male workers were more likely to suffer from foot problems. The percentage of the total population surveyed who missed time at work owing to foot problems was 5.4% in 2004. In a previous survey conducted in 2000, the corresponding percentage was 6.6%. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 94(6): 604–607, 2004)
In-Shoe Pressure Measurement and Foot Orthosis Research
A Giant Leap Forward or a Step Too Far?
Foot orthoses are believed to exert their therapeutic effect on the human locomotor apparatus by altering the location, magnitude, and temporal patterns of ground reaction forces acting on the plantar foot during weightbearing activities. In-shoe pressure-measurement systems are increasingly being used by clinicians and researchers to assess kinetic changes at the foot-orthosis interface to better understand the function of foot orthoses and to derive more efficacious treatments for many painful foot and lower-extremity abnormalities. This article explores how the inherent three-dimensional surface topography and load-deformation characteristics of foot orthoses may challenge the validity, reliability, and clinical usefulness of the data obtained from in-shoe pressure-measurement systems in the context of foot orthotic therapy and research. The inability of in-shoe pressure-measurement systems to measure shearing forces beneath the foot, the required bending of the flat two-dimensional sensor insole to fit the pressure insole to the three-dimensional curves of the orthosis, the subsequent unbending of the sensor insole to display it on a computer monitor, and variations in the load-deformation characteristics of orthoses are all sources of potential error in examination of the kinetic effects of foot orthoses. Consequently, caution is required when interpreting the results of orthotic research that has used in-shoe pressure insole technology. The limitations of the technology should also be given due respect when in-shoe pressure measurement is used to make clinical decisions and prescribe custom foot orthoses for patients. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 100(6): 518–529, 2010)