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Background: In patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the pathological progression of lower limb biomechanics is established. Although specific aspects of RA gait patterns have been studied and described, we are aware of no studies of gait pattern compensations over the entire disease course. This study aimed to describe a model that could predict the evolution of lower limb pathomechanics in patients with RA.
Methods: A literature review was conducted of electronic databases (MEDLINE, PEDro, Trip Database, DOAJ, BioMed Central, PLOS clinical trial, ScienceDirect, and CRD York University, AHRQ, NICE, Cochrane Library) to October 3, 2023.
Results: A theory was developed that all people with RA induce or augment gait evolution syndromes following the same biomechanical course. Specifically, we postulate the “rheumatoid equinus syndrome,” the “rheumatoid abnormal pronation syndrome” and the “rheumatoid shuffle syndrome,” which have never been described before.
Conclusions: A new model of the evolution of gait compensation in RA is proposed. An important challenge of RA is that it increases the risk of ulcerative lesions, falls, pain, fractures, and healthcare costs. The proposed model can be used to reduce morbidity in this patient group by helping to explain and reduce the pain, deformity, and ankylosis of foot RA.
To date, scientific literature has not as yet come up with any review showing the diagnostic tests used for functional assessment of the foot and leg.
A literature review was conducted of electronic databases (MEDLINE, PEDro, DOAJ, BioMed Central, PLOS, and Centre for Reviews and Dissemination at the University of York) up to December 8, 2018. The biomechanical tests, which have adequate supportive literature, were divided into qualitative tests that provide a dichotomy/trichotomy-type answer to clinical diagnostic questions; semiquantitative tests that provide numerical data to clinical diagnostic questions; and quantitative tests that record continuous numerical data (in analogue or digital form).
These tests produce a useful functional evaluation model of the foot and leg for different purposes: evaluation of lower limb deficits or abnormalities in healthy patients and in athletes (in sports or other physical activities); assessment of tissue stress syndromes caused by pathomechanics; evaluation of lower limb deficits or abnormalities in rheumatic disease and diabetic foot patients; and to determine the appropriate functional or semifunctional foot orthotic therapy and therapeutic path used in gait rehabilitation.
Many of these tests have adequate diagnostic reliability and reproducibility and therefore can be considered diagnostic. Few of these are validated, and some have initiated the validation process by determining their sensitivity and specificity. The widespread use of these tools in clinical practice (diagnosis of function) lacks scientific evidence and in-depth analysis of their limitations.
Qualitative analysis of shoe wear patterns collected from a questionnaire evaluating podiatric physicians’ experiences in this area suggests that wear patterns could indicate causative function within a known pathologic context. Several different functions are suggested by patterns associated with each of the pathologic entities involved, and analysis of the relationship between patterns and reasons given by respondents for pattern-form variations show the strongest associations to be with functionally termed conditions. A basic model is proposed to present factors important in wear pattern production, suggesting that a new concept of primary walking intention is more influential than foot pathologies in wear pattern formation and that external factors are also influential, with the combined factors being described as the “holistic foot function.” This model may provide a variety of benefits to podiatric medicine; as shoe wear patterns are records of the usual long-term activity of the functioning foot, this paradigm could form a basis for podiatric medical practice. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 94(3): 261–268, 2004)