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Aditya K. Gupta
Sarah G. Versteeg
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Mario E. Lacouture
David J. Kopsky
Raphael Lilker
Fiona Damstra
Mecheline H.M. van der Linden
Azael Freites-Martinez
, and
Mischa P.M. Nagel
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Subungual Exostosis

Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Laura Pérez-Palma
María Cristina Manzanares-Céspedes
, and
Enrique Giralt de Veciana
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Management of Plantar Keratodermas

Lessons from Pachyonychia Congenita

Rebecca M. Porter
Albert A. Bravo
, and
Frances J.D. Smith
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Remote Ischemic Conditioning

Promising Potential in Wound Repair in Diabetes?

Jano A. Boghossian
Bellal Joseph
Marvin J. Slepian
, and
David G. Armstrong
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Treatment Algorithm for Chronic Achilles Tendon Lesions

Review of the Literature and Proposal of a New Classification

Roberto Buda
Francesco Castagnini
Gherardo Pagliazzi
, and
Sandro Giannini
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Azole Resistance in Dermatophytes

Prevalence and Mechanism of Action

Mahmoud Ghannoum
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Maria Tzika
George Paraskevas
, and
Konstantinos Natsis
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Bennett G. Zier
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Aditya K. Gupta
Maryse Paquet
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