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Federico Giuseppe Usuelli
Cristian Indino
Claudia Angela Di Silvestri
Luigi Manzi
, and
Nicola Maffulli
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Yakup Alpay
Timur Yildirim
Deniz Akbulut
Mustafa Cukurlu
Suheyla Esra Ozkocer
, and
Cigdem Elmas
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Miki Fujii
Hiroto Terashi
Koichi Yokono
, and
David G. Armstrong
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Cristina González-Martín
Vanesa Balboa-Barreiro
Raquel Veiga-Seijo
Teresa Seoane-Pillado
Laura Lema-Verdía
, and
Estefanía Couceiro-Sanchez
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Ebony Love
Jonathan D. Furmanek
Courtney M. Foote
James McGuire
, and
Ziad Labbad
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María de los Ángeles Gómez-Benítez
Andrea Gómez-Benítez
Javier Ramos-Ortega
José M. Castillo-López
Lorena Bellido-Fernandez
, and
Pedro V. Munuera-Martínez
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Fırat Fidan
Abdulkadir Polat
Mehmet Ümit Çetin
Cengiz Kazdal
Umut Yavuz
Osman Lapcin
, and
Ufuk Ozkaya
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Jill S. Kawalec
Duane J. Ehredt Jr
Kiarash Bakhaj
Joseph Fleck
Kelsi Nutter
, and
Lawrence Osher
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Kimberly S. Cravey
Ian M. Barron
Said A. Atway
Michael L. Anthony
, and
Erik K. Monson
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Patrick A. DeHeer
Sarah N. Standish
Kyle J. Kirchner
, and
Adam E. Fleischer
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